(An Explanation Text)
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Group : 5
Class : XII IPA 5
Explanation textMetamorfosis adalah proses dari ulat menjadi hewan baru(fase sempurna) yaitu pada kupu-kupu. Pada prosesnya terjadi cukup panjang dan lama namun sederhana. Pertama-tama ari telur di letakkan oleh kupu-kupu pada daun (biasanya daun pohon jeruk atau dapat juga di pohon yang lain) yang bertujuan daun tersebut bisa menjadi bahan makanan ulat tersebut hingga mencapai dewasa setelah tiba waktunya menjadi pupa/kepompong dan beberapa hari akan menjadi kupu-kupu baru.
- Telur
Telur akan menetas antara 3 – 5 hari, larva akan berjalan ke pinggir daun tumbuhan inang dan memulai memaakannya. Sebagian larva mengkomsumsi cangkang telur yang kosong sebagai makanan pertamanya kulit luar dari larva tidak meregang mengikuti pertumbuhannya, tetapi ketika menjadi sangat ketat larva akan berganti kulit.
- Larva(telur)
Setelah menetas larva akan mencari makan Sebagian larva mengkomsumsi cangkang telur yang kosong sebagai makanan pertamanya kulit luar dari larva tidak meregang mengikuti pertumbuhannya, tetapi ketika menjadi sangat ketat larva akan berganti kulit.
Jumlah pergantian kulit selama hidup larva umumnya 4 – 6 kali, dan periode antara pergantian kulit (molting) disebut instar.
Larva kupu-kupu bervariasi dalam bentuk, tetapi sebagian besar berbentuk silindris, dan terkadang mempunyai rambut ,duri, tuberkel atau filamen. Ketika larva mencapai pertumbuhan maksimal, larva akan berhenti makan, berjalan mencari tempat berlindung terdekat, meletakkan diri pada ranting atau daun dengan anyaman benang. Larva telah memasuki fase prepupa dan melepaskan kulit terakhir kali untuk membentuk pupa
- Pupa (kepompong)
Fase pupa kalau di lihat dari luarseperti periode istirahat, padahal di dalam pupa terrjadi proses pembentukan serangga yang sempurna. Pupa pada umumnya keras, halus, dan berupa struktur tanpa anggota tubuh. Pada umumnya pupa berwarna hijau ,coklat atau warna sesuai dengan sekitarnya. (berkamuflase) . pembentukan kupu-kupu didalam pupa biasanya berlangsung selama 7 – 20 hari tergantung spesiesnya.
- Kupu-kupu
Setelah keluar dari pupa, kupu-kupu akan merangkak ke atas sehingga sayapnya yang lemah,kusut, dan agak basahdapat menggantung kebawah dan mengembang secara normal,segera setelah sayap mengering,mengembang dan dan menutup beberapa kali dan percobaan terbang.
Arifuddin : I think english is very difficult in comprehending let alone read it. Very difficult but i will keep trying to understand.Abd. Rahim : I think english is very difficult but if we tray to learn we can know for sure
Askar : I am not able to understand english and was very difficult to read because sometimes the other posts are also pronounced.
Jumran : learning english is fun but sometimes i do not want to learn it because there is something I can not understand that i was bored. But i will still try to learn.
Siswardi : english i studied very hard and not easy to read
Wahyudi A. : english is not suitable for me and not easily digested by my brain
Explanation text
Metamorphosis is the process of a caterpillar into a new animal (perfect phase) is a butterfly. In the process occurs quite long and namum simple. First start ari eggs in place by a butterfly on a leaf (usually orange tree leaves or may be other trees) that aims eventually leaves can be worm food until reaching adulthood after it was time to pupa /crhysalis and the few days will bea new butterfly. EGG
Teh eggs will hatch between 3 – 5 days ,the lervae would walk to the edge of the leaves of the host plant and start eating it, some larvae consume an empty egg shell as its meal outside of larval skin does not stretch to follow growt,but when it became very tight larvae will molt.
After hatching larvae will feed most larvae larvae consume an empty egg shell as its meal outside of larval skin does not stretch to follow growt,but when it became very tight larvae will molt.
The number of skin change during the life of the larvae are generally 4 – 6 times,and the period between the turn of the skin (molting) called instars.
Butterfly larvae vary in shape, but the majority of clindrical shape, and sometimes have hair,spines,tubrclesor filaments.
When the larvae reach maximum growth, the larvae stop eating,running find shelter nearby,attach themselves to twigs or leaves with woven threads ,the larvae have entered the phase of the skin and releas prepupa last time to form a pupa.
Phase pupa when viewed from the outside as the restperiod , where as in the pupa process of formation of the perfect insect, pupa is generally, the pupais green,brown or color according to its surroundings. (camuflage)formation in the butterfly pupausually lasts for 7 – 20 days depending on the spesies butterfly.
Once out of pupa ,the butterfly will crawl to the top so that the wings are weak, wrinkled and slightly damp can hang down and strong the wings will open and close several times and attemted to fly.
Title How the butterflies undergo the process of metamorphosis
General statement We never see the butterflies flying ground us so beautiful wings so we were amazed to see it .but do you know how the metamorphosis of butterfly?
A sequenced explanation The eggs will hatch between 3 – 5 days ,the lervae would walk to the edge of the leaves of the host plant and start eating it, some larvae consume an empty egg shell as its meal outside of larval skin does not stretch to follow growt,but when it became very tight larvae will molt.
After hatching larvae will feed most larvae larvae consume an empty egg shell as its meal outside of larval skin does not stretch to follow growt,but when it became very tight larvae will molt.
The number of skin change during the life of the larvae are generally 4 – 6 times,and the period between the turn of the skin (molting) called instars.
Butterfly larvae vary in shape, but the majority of clindrical shape, and sometimes have hair,spines,tubrclesor filaments.
When the larvae reach maximum growth, the larvae stop eating,running find shelter nearby,attach themselves to twigs or leaves with woven threads ,the larvae have entered the phase of the skin and releas prepupa last time to form a pupa.
Phase pupa when viewed from the outside as the restperiod , where as in the pupa process of formation of the perfect insect, pupa is generally, the pupais green,brown or color according to its surroundings. (camuflage)formation in the butterfly pupausually lasts for 7 – 20 days depending on the spesies butterfly.
Once out of pupa ,the butterfly will crawl to the top so that the wings are weak, wrinkled and slightly damp can hang down and strong the wings will open and close several times and attemted to fly.
Phase butterfly imago or adult stage is.
Closing Apperantly the metamorphosis of butterflies are so lovely when we pay attention we should not catch then preverving for our needs so of to make the butterfly became extinot animals would someday
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